Wednesday, August 29, 2012

13 months

At 13 months, Aaliyah is still our little peanut..... 20lbs 10oz and 29".    She babbling so much, says "mama".  I like to think she's calling me mama, but says it for anything/anyone.  Her favorite food is bananas...absolutely loves them.  Some days she'll eat two.  She loves food in general including corn on the cob; here she is munching away.  She's sooo close to walking.  I think the other day she took two baby steps before plopping down on her butt.  Today she had so much fun playing with her 3 big cousins; they love playing with her and giving her lots of treats.  She was so busy playing, didn't think to take a nap....that's Aaliyah, never wants to miss out on the fun!

Elmos band

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Renaissance Fair

We went to the Renaissance Fair today in Pleasant Prairie.  It was our first time there.  One of Greg's co-workers is in a show there, so that's why we went.  There's so much to see and do; tons of characters.  They had a kid area where we could go and get some quiet time.  

Giant turkey leg; Aaliyah thought it was yummy too!
Greg on Jacobs ladder...couldn't get past the first bar.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Go Daddy!

Dad did his first triathalon on Sunday and I was there to cheer him on!