There were so many good pictures, hard to chose just a couple to post. My little girl is looking so grown up! At her 2 yr checkup, she weighs 27 lbs and healthy as can be. She only had to go to the doctor for the routine checkups which is awesome! We're still working on using words, but she is definitely improving. She finally says dada!! It's the cutest thing. Everything is mine or mamas or dadas. She says please so cute! Had a couple terrible two tantrums. We started to potty train, but not really pushing it. Aaliyah sleeps in her big bed now in her new room, she loves it! We do have to lay with her before she goes to sleep. Dad spoiled her by letting her fall asleep on the couch, so we're working on that. Her favorite things are bubbles and the swing; anything outside. She is still a pretty good eater, loves her rice and juice, go-gurt and cheese.