Monday, September 16, 2013

Aaliyah the gymnast

On Sunday we went to Adriana's 2nd birthday party at Northshore Academy of Gymnastics.  It was her first time at a gymnastics center and she had so much fun jumping around, playing on the bars, with a parachute and in foam blocks.  Now we'll have to think about signing her up for gymnastics this fall. 

First 2 weeks of Violet

 Can't believe it's been 2 weeks already since Violet's been born.  Greg has 3 more days off, then back to work. ) :  Violet has been a great baby, really doesn't fuss too much; her cry is more of a squeal. She eats really good....sometimes for like 40 min!  I still get up every 2-3 hours at night, but it's still early, so hopefully that'll get better.

Going home
My little strawberry
Visit from their cousins

First bath at home

Aaliyah's a great big sis!!

When we were in the hospital, it took Aaliyah a little bit to warm up to Violet.  But since being home, she's been a big help.  She'll bring me diapers and wipes and give toys to Violet.  She's a little rough at times when she tickles her feet.  Aaliyah still loves to tickle everyone's toes! 
At hospital

Not so sure about her yet....

This isn't so bad being a big sis

Welcome Violet

Violet Ann was born September 3, 2013.  She weighed 7lbs 1oz and 19 1/2 inches long.  It was the Tuesday after Labor Day.  Greg was off to work and I was up with Aaliyah getting ready to go shopping with Sarah.  It was around 8:00 am when I started to feel cramps; felt similar to the way I felt with Aaliyah but still wasn't sure.  I think I waited til about 9:00 to call my doctor.  In the meantime I called Greg and told him what's going on.  Judy and Pete were on their way to our house.  The nurse called back and thought I was dehydrated and told me to drink water and call back in an hour.  Well, contractions got worse.  As soon as Judy and Pete came, we were off to the hospital.  Pete stayed home with Aaliyah.  We arrived at the hospital and I was dilated 8 cm.  They prepped the room, broke my water, and soon started to push.  Greg was not there yet; Judy was in the room with me.  Greg arrived just in time and before you know it, Violet entered the world at 10:41 that morning. We are very blessed to have another healthy beautiful girl.
2 days old. She wore the same outfit Aaliyah did when she went home....but a little more snug on Violet.  She was almost 2 lbs bigger!

First family of 4 picture.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day weekend we went to Sheboygan for a couple days.  Went out to dinner with friends by the lakefront.  It was really nice.  Here's a pic on the boardwalk....little did we know it would be the last family pic before the baby!!

Then on Labor Day we went to Terry Andre, it's been an annual thing now with my mom, Julie and Sarah.  It was fun, but cold! We didn't get near the water.  We grilled out, played bean bags, relaxed in the hammock and just hung out. 
Lounging in the hammock

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